Monday, March 30, 2009

Pres. Obama and the Auto Industry

Has President Obama gotten tougher with the Big 3?: "Frustrated Americans cheer Obama's tough auto moves"

"Experts called it potentially the most significant presidential intervention in the private sector since Harry Truman tried to seize the steel industry during the Korean War in 1952, only to be rebuffed by the Supreme Court." I agree with the tone of this article: This is nothing to cheer about! We are now nationalizing one of the biggest industries in the country. Our government is not doing a good job handling the portions of the economy it is already in charge of -- social security, the budget...Now they want to add Wall Street, the Auto Industry, energy...When will it ever end?

o, the Auto Industry is not too big to fail -- let's try bankruptcy and see how that works!

1 comment:

  1. And in response to Obama's announced plans for the Auto Industry -- the Stock Markets fall -- again.
